Customer Testimonials

Love this store! Best sales staff EVER!

Nancy T., Greenville

A great selection of mens, womens and childrens shoes. And a nice friendly staff to assist you.

Tonya C., Greenville

Yes – they do wait on You. Great Customer Care and Service. My Feet love my Purchase !

Bonnie M., Greenville

My new favorite shoe store!!!!

Sandra L., Greenville

William was wonderful and very patient!!!

Lillian W., Edgecombe

Luv this Shoe Store!! And William is absolutely AMAZING!!!

Christy F., Greenville

Magnificent service & delightful staff. William is awesome & super helpful 😀

Allison R., Greenville

Love this store! Excellent service. Friendly environment, my number one shoe store 🙂

Liz B., Greenville

Great service. You really get what you pay for.

James B., Greenville

William was a great help!

Courtney N., Greenville

Love Sound Feet Shoes for my arthritic hooves!

Carol B., Greenville

My new favorite shoe store! Croc’s, boots, dansko’s & every flip flop imaginable!

Cheryl H., Greenville

Great place for quality shoes. Lots of name brand shoes and tons of flip flops!

Susan F., Ashburn, VA

I’ve shopped at four different Soundfeet Shoes on the Outer Banks and every time it is the same thing. Great selection, great prices, and super friendly and helpful sales staff.

Susan L., Kill Devil Hills

Sound Feet Shoes: Your Favorite Shoe Store